Sunday, October 31, 2010


I haven't gotten to writing anything really, so I figured I should begin today. Halloween's always been one of the better days anyway.

I spent most of my time out of the house today, doing stupid little things. Maybe the only productive thing about today, really, was that I was able to get myself new bed sheets. The old ones were pink and faded and stained with disgusting things like eye-sadness-discharge and imaginary paw prints. They reminded me too much of who I was from ten years ago up until yesterday, which isn't an entirely bad thing, but sometimes, keeping ratty things around hinges you too much to the past. I guess that when things expire like that, you just have to stuff them in the garbage. (Like Rivermaya, which is always the first topic in my mind when it comes to talk like this.)

Walking around was fairly eventful, though. I mean, it is Halloween, and people are most fascinating on Halloween. There's also the idea that my maternal instincts are kicking in because I'm reaching that ripe age, and women have body clocks according to some Theology teacher that I don't have much admiration for, so I like seeing kids walking around looking like crazies. Some kid in the mall went out looking like the Thing, complete with foam muscles and shiny blue tights. I saw Peter Pan, too.

Halloween's great because it's all about diversity. On normal days, anyone has the tendency to look like everyone, and that gets annoying.

P.S. Didn't see any high-waisted black/floral skirts today! I say that calls for a good bottle of bubbly.

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